Report on March 2017 trip.

To Mozambique, first to Maputo and then on to Beira and back home again.
March & April 2017.

Greetings to you on this Easter Weekend, may you know the joy of our Risen Saviour!

In the 12 days that I was away in Mozambique, I covered 3900 km and conducted 28 interviews with different people and told them about the books published by the Moz. School of the Bible.
We were able to distribute many books to Bible Schools and mission stations where these books could be used. We also were able to supply books for churches where they wanted to buy extra copies for their members.

I have had 2 requests to print for other Mission Organisations.  It will be a pleasure for me to interact with other mission bodies in this way.

On Thursday 30 March while trying to visit a missionary my car got stuck in a deep muddy pool. A split CV Joint rubber boot allowed mud to get into the joint, which then gave notice of car trouble coming soon. Friday we traveled to Mafoga and there we were able to clean out the joint and repair the ‘split’ the rubber boot (with “duck tape”!). This saw us home safely

One of the last interviews was with a senior Public Relations Officer of the ZCC.
This was just outside Mozvingo as we crossed Zimbabwe.
I was able to share 7 vital points of our Christian faith with him and asked him to tell me of any deviation of what the ZCC believed from my statement of faith.  My points were as follows;
1.         There is a God and we humans know it well, as we can see His work in the creation.
2.         The Bible is God’s ‘Word’ to us and God deemed it important enough to write it down.
3.         The Bible tells us of the Holiness of God and of His Love and describes the Trinity to us.
4.         Jesus, the Second Person of the Trinity, lived on earth, was fully man but He is also God.
5.         God created man in His own image of God and gave man his highest calling, that is to worship God. But Man refused to worship God and so as a result of this sin, all men are condemned to death.
6.         Salvation (restored fellowship with God) is only possible by the Grace of God through our Faith in God.
7.         Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone, as Jesus alone, has earned the right to forgive us our sins.
Well, this senior man from the ZCC did not disagree with me on any of these points, so I will have to dialogue with him further.  I do have his email address. His name is Shadreck Munyaka. Please pray for him as I try to engage him further in the Gospel and what the Zionists believe. Perhaps it is the case that the traditions of the church are equally important as the Bible.

Please also continue to pray for a younger person to help with these field trips.
Also that the books published will be a blessing to the people of Mozambique.

Hedley and Sandy Stead.