September 2015

This letter comes with the awareness that your prayers play an important part in this ministry. Thank you.

We are embarking on a tour of Zimbabwe to inform the Church that there is a Topical Concordance available in Shona. This is an important book and while it has been published before it has never been widely advertised. In order to do this we will be visiting as many Bible Schools there as possible. We will also speak to as many church leaders as we are able to. There is another important book that we will make known while there, and it is entitled “God’s Chosen Woman, the Pastor’s Wife”. This book is unfortunately not available in Shona, but as English is widely understood in Zimbabwe, we feel that it will still be a blessing. We do prefer to publish in the languages of the people, but our big bottleneck is the translation work. We would very much like to find someone who feels called to do this translation work, as we have many books that could be a blessing if they were translated.

Another exciting development is the planned visit of the Operation Mobilisation ship, the Logos Hope, to Maputo towards the end of February 2016. One of the big ministries of the Logos Hope is their huge book shop that they have on board. But as this ship travels around the whole world they do not necessarily have books in the local languages, so it is up to us who have them to ensure that there is a good selection of these books. This will be the third time we have been able to cooperate with OM in this way. Currently we plan to put 40 boxes of books on board and this will mean that many books will have to be re-published and made available in Maputo before the ship arrives.

My plans are to take my colleague, Zacarias Muiambo, with me on this trip to Zimbabwe but as he will fairly far north in Mozambique at that time I plan to go via Maputo and will take as many books there for the Logos Hope that I can. I will then move north up Mozambique towards Chimoio meeting up with Zacarias on the third day of travel. En route I will visit as many key people as possible telling them of our latest publications. After this we plan to spend about nine days in Zimbabwe.

On the personal side, my brother, Alfred, turns 80 at the end of October and my oldest sister, Ruth, will be coming out from England for that occasion. It will be the first time in many years that all 4 of us, together with Molly, will be together at one time. The celebration will take place in George and we are all looking forward to that event.

Yours in His Service,
Hedley and Sandy Stead